The Blog Experience

Hi readers.
Today I'm going to answers to the teacher's questions about the blog

 Which post you enjoyed writing most: I liked to write about my best friends  because I love them and I was able to remember the best moments together.

Which post you least enjoyed writing,: I hated writing about a page on social media because I had to type the text three times and it never saved, I never posted it in the end because I got frustrated.

Whose blog you enjoyed reading: The teacher's blog because i think him has a many stories to tell.
Whether or not your English improved (and how:): I think my English improved a bit because I learned new words and I practice my writing.
What things you liked and disliked about using the blog: 
I really liked writing on the blog because I was able to practice my writing in English, I shared a little about my life and I got to know a little about the life of my classmates.


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